Thursday, August 18, 2011

Film Freak 2011 - the Guard

Starring Brendan Gleeson as Sergeant Gerry Boyle this film, The Guard will be released here shortly and after a packed out preview screening last night, it is true everyone loves a free movie and it was nice to be in a packed cinema after a lot of sessions I have been attending lately have been super empty.

Anyway back to the film, it's an Irish comedy, mystery, drama, crime film, with some funny one liners and a dirty old police officer in Gleeson and also stars American FBI agent Don Cheadle. The America's won't like this film as it largely makes fun of American culture and people.

This film has a nice and simple approcach and does deliver and it's only just over a hour and a half mark but it still lacked something for me. The main character was too similar to the grumpy old man character in the Gran Tarino film and also Up (yes the kids film).

Okay so the Guard was rude, crude and funny in parts but I can't see it being everyone's cup of tea (and they drink a lot of tea in this film). I will be nice today and give the Guard 3 stars for some good one liners.

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