Monday, August 15, 2011

Film Freak 2011 - Glee: The 3D Concert Movie

Seeing all your favourite Glee characters on stage and in a theatre was fun I must say and the set list was 5 star! However what got me was the parts of the movie in between the sets of songs. There was this raw group of different people telling their stories and this almost made the film/concert experience as it connected with you and brought two people I was with to tears on multiple times.

Glee is now multi media, it's on iTunes, it's at the local cinemna, it's on DVD, it's almost everywhere and with season 3 startign next month this is the perfect time to release this. With their recent concert series getting 99% attendance it was a smart movie bringing this to the big screen.

The songs as I said make this also with "I'm a Slave 4 U" a monster highlight with some bad ass amazing dancing, "PYT" my fav Artie song, "Born this Way", "Teenage Dream" and many more sing a long favourites.

This was fun and pure and simple good fun. Don't go if you want something deep (see Bridesmaids), I can honestly say this was a surprise favorutie for 2011 for me, season 2 reached new heights and new lows for the series but this worked and worked well on multiple levels.

4.75 Glee-Tastic stars.

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