Sunday, February 12, 2012

A country weekend and R.I.P Whitney

So it comes to day one of my new life and I must say this is gonna be a brief entry as man I'm tried, I was raod trippin' the hell out of the fantastic weekend that saw me bring it in with some Sydney Kings action and then a monster drive out to Blayney (reference point - near Bathurst and Orange or for my dear friend Le Orange) for the wonderful Brooke Taylor's engagaement party @ the Royal Hotel. Which I hadn't been to in years.

The trip was so pleasent and the scenery is so amazing. The pub god love it, I remember miss Brooklyn's 21st there and that was a night! Brooke had a beautiful party and I saw loads of lovely people I hadn't seen in donkeys years so hello one and all :)

On the way back loving the country air and sweeping hills we flicked on the radio as we drove into Katoomba for some Common Grounds food (google this place, it's random and amazing) we heard the news that 48 year old Whitney Houston had in fact passed away. This news was intense as I remember being back in Orlando hearing the sad news about Amy Winehouse and now another struggling artist has passed.

I think people should forget her problems and remember her magical voice and moments that have shaped the way music is today, love her or loathe her she was a star. Her is my little tribute to Miss Whitney Houston:

R.I.P Whitney

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