Wednesday, February 29, 2012

@ the Movies 2012 - Chronicle

Can a movie be so bad that it makes you appricate all the good films you usually see? Chronicle is not a bad film it's just strange. The whole shakey camera thing gets a bit old, FAST! The storyline has many holes in it and the action sequences are sometimes cut short with little or no explanation.

Like at the end of the day it's not terrible it just wasn't my cup of tea of what I was at all expecting.

The film has done well at the box office being made at a budget of $15 million, it has already taken in $95,884,963. So not bad for a small science fiction film.

But like my review for Gone what does one expect at the movies, it did take me far away (not as far away as some of there strange flying scenes, which if you have travel sickness BEWARE!) and the final scenes sort of tied the whole thing together.

With a lot of films on the horizon this film was lucky to come out before some of the below films:

So Chronicle rates a sci fi 2 and a half stars.

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