Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sydney Kings & my Fresh Start

So yesterday marked a bit of a landmark, my love Zang Bang reengaged me with the wonderful Sydney Kings and the NBL Championship. This was just after I marked my 4 year anniversary at Ticketek and I said goodbye my co workers and move onto a fresh new 2012 and who knows what awaits but I'm sure it will pop up here y'all.

I also got to see a future ex husband from the kings live in the flesh Mr Luke Martin:


Okay so next and let's have a quick look at this week's album releases around this great Southern land:

The FAB Ben Kweller drops "Go Fly A Kite" on his own label with the lead single quite a nice little jam:

Phenomenal Hand Clap Band - Form and Control:

Wiley drops another album (yes another, does this man ever stop) and it features this summer fitness banger:

Wiley is kinda hot in a geezer kinda way.

Okay all so many more updates to come y'all, so check it.

Off to the country now, happy engagement Brooke & Marcus, Happy 77th Nan, Hope 30th for this week Ninny, Happy 17th to young Lisa and happy birthday to young Carly Browne today! Wow how many people were having sex 9 months ago.

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