So it started out a nice set with latest disc's hit "2.How Come You Never Go There" being done early on with an interaction moment which was cute with the crowd and cameras.
The set kind of took a more rock approach with a more up tempo and rock feel to "Mushaboom" & "My Moon My Man", which didn't quite work, also for a "Feel it All" it was more of a guitar driven indie rock number not the usual album version.
A strange mood was in the room after this people were chilled at the back talking among themselves and I don't blame them the concert took a turn for the snooze button. After arriving on stage 25 minutes late it was time for me to get some rest for Hall & Oats which will be reviewed tomorrow AM.
So Feist a little disappointing and more so that apparently she left "1,2,3,4" off her set completely, come on girl it's your biggest hit to date?? For the fans c'mon?
2 Stars
1 comment:
I think the genuine fans couldn't care for '1234', none of them would have left disappointed. And Metals doesn't have a 'hit', it's just not that sort of album. One of the shows of the year for mine.
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