Sunday, May 4, 2014

Channel Ten - Why?

OK so in the media lately (Media Watch, online news articles etc) Channel Ten has had a bad wrap, yes it has some of the worst shows currently screening:

Wake Up
So You Think you Can Dance (Rating wise - it was OK but this format died a while back, do we all remember Everybody Dance Now? Or on this statement did Channel 10 learn anything from that expense Kelly Rowland project?)
Offspring (I so preferred her in Love My Way)
The Biggest Loser
Studio Ten

Is that enough for now? That said I recently ran a post on Secrets & Lies, it was a truly wonderful 6 part drama series and now I have just had a binge viewing of Puberty Blues - Season 2 and man this is great. I forgot how wonderful the show was round one, but this season has really built on the last one.

Claudia Karvan is always wonderful and Susie Porter is brilliant this season. The two lead girls are great too but for me it's the adults who still the spotlight. Rodger Corser is a five star heritage asshole and plays this so well.

So Channel Ten I have been cruel in the past but really with these two drama shows and some other dramas which with work could also be potentially watchable (Offspring and Wonderland)this network's share price could go up from $0.25 to maybe $1.00 at least?

Channel Ten there is a lot of noise about dull reality shit so maybe shelf this and focus on some quality drama you have at your fingertips. Become a little more HBO and a little less poor man's Channel 7 or 9. Cooking and renovation shows are on the way out, dance has left the building and singing shows have little future, so keep up the good work with dramas and I hope, I pray the viewers will come.

Come on Channel Ten, until next time, happy Sunday x

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