Sunday, May 25, 2014

Film Freak 2014 - X-Men: Days of Future Past (2D Version)

After the huge success of X-Men: First Class it is no surprise that a sequel (of sorts gets made). To say there is a lot of superhero films around at present that would be an understatement. After seeing The Amazing Spiderman recently and not being that impressed to Captain America around a month ago & really enjoying some Chris Evans action, today was the day for the next superhero instalment.

So what's it like?

Look the cast is beyond epic!  Jackman as Wolverine, McAvoy/Stewart as Professor X, Fassbender/McKellen as Magneto plus Lawrence, Berry, Page, Paquin and so many people from film or TV shows you will just be like, hey!

So it's not as good as First Class and it totally is just like a stand alone film which does not need to fit into the series. I am almost positive the next one will follow another film (this one or First Class) more closely like a sequel but for now, fear not if you haven't seen first class or the original trilogy this is totally a separate feature.

Peter Dinklage as the villain is great and his Game of Thrones fame has really taken him a long way. Jennifer Lawrence to me is sublime as Raven/Mystique. She for me was my favourite, Jackman was a little too muscle bound and Ellen Page was actually extremely irritating.

So this is a couple of hours of pure popcorn escapism, a couple of hours is actually too long and they do try and cram a bit too much in, but hey look the action scenes are well executed and the cast as above is just amazing.

X-Men: Days of Future Past in 2D cause I basically don't love 3D films, is a 3 star film, it's not life changing but it's well acted and a bit of fun.

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