Thursday, July 31, 2014

Farewell Wentworth Season 2, Bring on Season 3!

So at the end of 12 straight weeks Wentworth slams it's prison doors shut next Tuesday on Soho.

I am devastated the season is over but so excited for what has built and built all season long. Season 3 is apparently filming and I just can't wait and hope for an early Season 4 renewal because this season is miles above any other Aussie drama right now. Yes even the wonderful Time of Our Lives on ABC tonight at 8:30pm.

If House Husbands can get a fourth season, surely Wentworth can? Come on Foxtel....

In recent TV news one of my other favourite US shows just got the green light for a third season, Hit the Floor will return in 2015. Devious Maids has also just wrapped it's terrific second season and I am almost at the stage of I will pray for a third season on this Marc Cherry created follow up to Desperate Housewives.

True Blood is now down to it's final 4 episodes, how do I feel? Glad in a way as the season was answering a lot of questions but then again it's also asking a whole load more questions. What will the last four episodes bring? Will Bill & Eric die from the Hep V virus? Will Sarah Newlin fix everything? Time will tell.

That's it for TV news, it's new release movie day in OZ and here are my two choice pictures I hope to catch this cold (yes the shit Winter weather is back after a sample of Spring) is back:

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Film Freak 2014 - Hercules

Dwanye Johnson is hot! In a bulky gym junkie kind of way. His massive arms, his pecs, all on display in this 90 minute action romp.

And romp it is, the action scenes are  choreographed within an inch of their lives and look great on the big screen (or as I experienced it Xtreme Screen) and I truly feel this is a cinema experience film. Some films with second screening and the non surround sound just lose it at home on DVD or download.

I am a massive advocate for cinema going and with Telstra and Optus $10 tickets on offer it really is relatively cheap entertainment. For $10 you can even see a rather average or below average film and not feel as though you just chucked a load of cash down the shit hole.

So if you sat through all 1 minute 30 seconds of that trailer (give or take a stalker YouTube/Google ad) you will see this is a perv feast and a fun experience.

Speaking of Google stalking, so last week I saw the fabulous Kelis and got comp tickets, I looked up the Hi-Fi site up once and then even now (when the concert has been and gone) I still get stalked by this show. Why? Do people actually think by searching something and then stalking them they will actually buy? WTF!

So back to the film and less of a rant. Hercules was a fun cinema experience and I really can't wait to see "Lucy" and/or "These Final Hours" this weekend.

So Hercules, it was fun and I would recommend this to you dear readers, 3.5 muscle god stars.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Where in the devil...

I was asked where in the devil was I yesterday and to be honest crazy Cairns was the answer. I have never visited far north Queensland and the idea only came into my wee little mind to surprise my mother for her big bad 60th.

So it's not my usual weekend of catching a film, enjoying a skim latte with friends and lapping up all this city I live in (Sydney) has to offer. So is there a major difference between Sydney and Cairns?

Hell yes is the easy answer.

With a large amount of Japanese, Chinese and Korean tourists making there way up for reef tours and Americans and Europeans making there way to the top end to experience some warmer Australian weather and of course the reef.

Did I do the reef? Yes was the tour amazing, well yes and no, 90% of my tour spewed whilst I have a bad gut this was one time she decided to behave. The cruise was a little average other than eating and spewing other than diving and snorkelling there were no other activities offered.

It was a nice day and the reef is something else but after doing day trips similar to this overseas it felt a little not up to standard.

The prices up north were way higher than Sydney as I was paying up to $5.10 for a coffee when down here in the "more expensive" state it is easy to get a $3/$3.50 coffee if you know where to go.

Tourists are big business up north and so are pubs and apparently religion. Apparently Cairns is a very religious place for the locals. Speaking of locals it was lovely seeing so many first Australians around and with the tourists it almost felt like multiculturalism worked. Maybe they are lucky enough not to have racist old white ladies swearing at people at packed trains.

Cairns was lovely but three days was a maximum visit, I must say Sydney really is a great place. We have it all, great food and variety, cheap coffee and we have more than one tourist trap.

Australia I have loved seeing Melbourne and Cairns over the past few weeks, where will I end up next? Well all I can say is for today it's off to the pictures, expect a full Film Freak review tomorrow and with this Thursday "Lucy" and "These Final Hours" expect a couple of reviews this weekend.

Until next time, happy tight ass Tuesday...

Monday, July 28, 2014

Dear Readers - I'm back...

From Cairns, a full de brief on our upper neighbours coming real soon. Also I am hoping to catch a film tomorrow so look out I will have another extremely honest review coming to a computer, iPad, iPhone screen near you xo

Sunday, July 20, 2014

There's No Place Like Homeland Season 4

Here's the first look at one of this year's most anticipated return series:

With the Golden Era of TV recently losing Breaking Bad & Dexter and soon to use True Blood, new comers and other hits need to take their place, will Homeland continue to be addictive and water cooler TV? Time will tell, it starts again in October.

Still to come is The Walking Dead, The Blacklist, Glee (final 13 episode season), Hannibal, The Following, Girls, True Detective & the US remake of Shameless. We can't forget some exciting newcomers Gotham (Batman inspired) and Secrets & Lies (US remake).

Long live the Golden Era of TV.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Film Freak 2014 - Sex Tape

From time to time trailers hook you in and by the end of the film you got sucked into, you feel ill, you wish the film was over (throughout) and wish the time you spent on this film could be refunded to you. Sex Tape is one of those. It's beyond terrible. Cameron Diaz and Jason Segel have about as much chemistry as Tony Abbott and Bill Shorten.

Let's look at the trailer that tricked me.

What were the cast & crew thinking other than $$$$$$$$

This film is one of those ones were swearing and a bit of light nudity and sex from time to time tries to pass off as a decent feature.

I must say I was extremely disappointed with this film and believe this will do extremely poorly at the box office. My session on the opening weekend had a little over 10 souls in the house.

Sex Tape could be one of the most disappointing comedies of 2014. Sex Tape rates a very unsexy and equally unfunny 1 used condom.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Film Freak 2014 - The Two Faces of January

It's refreshing sometimes to go along to a film that you have little to no idea about and then just sit there and realise this is actually a winner, that's just what happened when I got along to The Two Faces of January on my 32nd birthday.

So straight up Oscar Issac is a babe, next up this film title is simply so hard to remember I was like the worst with word of mouth for this film today as people asked me what I saw I came up with all sorts of random titles, Two days in December, or was it Two days in January or just the Kirsten Dunst film.

Movies need catchy titles, like songs and TV shows, if you can't remember it how do you tell the world? But look other than this, The Two Faces of January was wonderful. Greece in the 60's divine! It made me wish I was travelling (and not just to Melbourne or Cairns - like I am doing this month) somewhere super exotic.

The film was fun and the trailer above paints a nice picture of what to expect. I think a 90 minute film is perfect and this is just ace. I really enjoyed myself and hope you dear reader can spare some time over the weekend for this or Sex Tape. Man I can't wait to see Diaz on the big screen again, I loved the Other Woman.

OK so star rating, this film rates 3 hard as fuck to remember the title stars.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Two Great things on Australian Television

Australia has produced a lot of shit lately on the idiot box, but two programs, two drama's I can honest to God say I am in love with and so proud to say these are Australian are Wentworth and The Time of Our Lives.

Both shows are into their second series and both shows and both are growing just nicely.

Thursday nights warm your Winter heart now with some compelling and heart felt stories across on the ABC with The Time of Our Lives. With stunning performances from Claudia Karavan and William McInnes proving he may be one of the easiest people to hate on Aussie TV.

This show is simply sublime and I hope to god the Abbott doesn't cut too much funding to the ABC. We as a nation need stories like these to be proud of to showcase talent and to employ the creative folk of this fine nation.

Stories like this are so rich and so valuable to our nations broadcaster. This is what separates the ABC & SBS from Channel Ten and the Bolt Report. If I had my way I would pay more tax to keep the ABC producing great little Aussie dramas like this.

On the other end of the scale we have Wentworth on Tuesday nights we came to grips with dropping the C bomb this week. Now Murdoch and his Foxtel is the complete opposite to the ABC, but the same when it comes to funding great little Aussie dramas. Love My Way, Spirited, Tangle & Satisfaction.

Wentworth has gone above and beyond in 2014. Season two has introduced the divine Pamela Rabe (above) as the new and fierce governor. Season two has upped the anti and really given into the dark side of a female prison. It's easy to draw comparisons against the Orange is the New Black (also just finished airing season 2 on Netflix int he US) but this is homegrown and so brilliant.

Already renewed for a third season and looking like the new cast are going to bring even more depth and viewer engagement to the series.

Foxtel have again shown they have guts not going for the usual run of the mill safe Packed to the Rafters, House Husbands and Winners & Losers formulas.

Tuesday and Thursday's are now a really divine night to have a cup of herbal tea and put your feet up to some outstanding local content. Well done to one and all working on these two damn fine shows.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Film Freak 2014 - Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

After the 2011 Rise of the Planet of the Apes film it's time for take two of the Apes!

So less James Franco, add Keri Russell & Gary Oldman and it's a whole new ball game. To be honest with these stars it's not really their show it's the apes and lead by Caesar they really command attention.

I was extremely excited about this film and I really and truly was not disappointed.


I had so much fun with this, it's two hour length was a little long, but still the action and the ape v human war scenes really held your attention.

I did miss James Franco but I got over it. For the end of School Holidays for July 2014 I think this is a wonderful release and I am sure the older teens will love it.

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, it's out now and it's actually really awesome, don't listen to the haters this is a fun way to spend some winter time in the warmth of a comfortable cinema.

3.5 Ape Size Stars.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Film Freak 2014 - Edge of Tomorrow

So unlike Jersey Boys this film actually surprised me, cause from the trailer I thought, oh another sic-fi action flick, boring - but was I wrong!

Emily Blunt and Tom Cruise are wonderful together and Tom Cruise is (again) actually quite sexy. For a 52 year old man he is a little bit of an alright.

Anyway the film, the action scenes are wonderfully done, the edge of your seat finale is terrific and the cast (including a couple of Aussies - Kick Curry (remember Garage Days?) & Noah Taylor) are all wonderful.

I think this is the most fun I have had at the cinema in a while. Whilst Transformers 4 was stupider than our delightful PM, this was fun (slightly repetitive, however less than the trailer implies) and I actually cared about the ending.

Edge of Tomorrow whilst being out for a few weeks still managed to pack them into tonights session with a close to full medium cinema compared to Jersey Boys opening weekend medium cinema with no more than 20 in the session.

This is perfect for High School, School Holiday fun.

Edge of Tomorrow is a cut above the other action films of late, 4 Stars.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Film Freak 2014 - Jersey Boys

I really wanted to like this but and it's a HUGE but. I saw this on the stage at both Melbourne's Princess Theatre and also in Sydney at the Theatre Royal (AKA the theatre where you hear the trains) and enjoyed it, because it was more of a play with a couple of songs and not your usual run of the mill musical.

The movie however felt like it took forever to get anywhere, the first hour was like "is it interval yet?". It dragged like a mother fucker. I heard it was long but man o man was it long.

I don't usually like musicals on the big screen (Dreamgirls, oh the travesty) but this wasn't in that cringe worthy bucket.

So it's an interesting story but most of us know it and I don't think Clint Eastwood really told the story and made the audience feel the joy this music once brought to the baby boomers of the world.

The ending was a relief as after over 2 hours you just felt like if you saw the musical this was proof in point live entertainment (musicals/concerts) should just stay that live and not recorded.

I have rarely watched a concert on DVD or TV and this has made me make this on my never to do list. This lost a lot on the big screen but I must say it did have well done moments. Moments, not two long hours worth.

Will this be a hit film? I think it's July School Holidays release is a little strange but I think it will have moderate success in this country.

So Jersey Boys how does it rate? Best head along to Lion King or Strictly Ballroom the Musicals live to get a better bang for your buck, this rate 2 stars. 2 mainly for the musical numbers and the almost attractive lead.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Is this really how Australia looks to the rest of the world? FML!

So this crazy woman is not the first to be caught out on public transport and I dare say with mobile phones and YouTube exploding all over the shop it's so easy for this thing to go viral.

This piece has been published all over the web, news sites and now YouTube comments are going nuts.

So Australia is this how you want the rest of the world to see us? I for one don't but I generally vote for the Greens so I think both Liberal and Labor parties need to fix some policies for us not to be labelled the most racist country on this planet.

I can't remember how many times I have seen this kind of thing so please if your on public transport or just really in general if your a racist, please keep your mouth shut because like in this video only one person is going to look like a complete cunt and it's not the person who is different.

Now that woman fucking sucks, this one doesn't AUSTRALIA we have our own Sarah Pailn.