Tuesday, June 9, 2015

#I'mNotDavidNorMargaret, Film Reviews My Way 2015

After seeing the abomination known only as Aloha (it nearly turned me completely off Hawaii it was that fucked up) it was time to hopefully see a better film. Well the film had something in common with Aloha, it is also a massive box office flop in America and also been reviewed harshly.

The difference with Entourage is, this (like Sex & the City) was a successful series on one of the most powerful networks in the world, HBO, whereas Cameron Crowe hasn't had a successful film since the 90's.

Now I never watched all 96 episodes of this film, but I get the idea, loved the cameos and loved the soundtrack (including Australia's own Tame Impala), whereas I hated everything about Aloha.

So Entourage is already a massive improvement on my film going experiences for 2015. It wasn't a great film but their were some good one liners and they had a fab editor as this film did not over stay it's welcome like a lot of recent films have.

I would recommend this to fans of the show and fans of the wonderful HBO network. I recently travelled and watched all 8 of 30 minute episodes of Togetherness, a show I completely overlooked but loved (check it out below) so one has to applaud this network:

I am a huge enemy of average and most things HBO puts it's name and mind too are far from average, so I am going to overlook some of the flaws in this film and give it a solid 3 stars small screen to big screen crossover effort.

Keep up the good work HBO, 7, 9 & 10 in Australia are sure giving us enough average content that we need some innovators in the TV world.

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