Monday, November 14, 2016

That Movie Gay #2016

Isabelle Huppert as ELLE is fabulous!

In all honesty I usually do not like foreign films (call me an uneducated Trump voter if you will) but I loved, loved, loved this film.

It was full of inner city left leaning older folks at a 10.15am session in Newtown the day of the Newtown Festival so every hair dyed, tattooed, green voting Inner Westie was out.

This film was dark, interesting and a graphic subtitled look into modern and complex relationships.

Elle is honestly a great little thriller that almost has a whodunnit feel to it as well so in saying that, no spoilers HERE!

Isabelle Huppert is flawless as the lead, stunning, brilliant and such a lead! I cannot highly recommend this film enough, after seeing the god awful Jack Reacher film this week, this was high class and definitely in line for a US remake in years to come, outstanding.

4.75 Stars.

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