Friday, November 2, 2012

My Private Parts (The Show Not Pee Pee Time)

So a show titled "My Private Parts" is sure to get some attention, maybe for all the wrong reasons or maybe for the right ones, who knows in 2012.  But this is a story I had no idea about and that my friends is IVF.

The show is part musical, part comedy and part play.  It has some laugh out loud moments and some moments where you feel sorry for the lead and anyone in the same shoes as here.

The songs were fun and well sung, the two leads are great and seem to really love being in the show.

It's an important story to be told and a fun ride, at 75 minutes it is a little long (I mainly say this as you can tell people's concentration sliding if you see Facebook lite up on someones phone screen), short and sharp is the way for a show in 2012 and beyond.

My Private Parts, 3 lady bits star approval rating.

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