Monday, February 24, 2014

Film Freak 2014 - Endless Love

Nearly at the end of the Valentines Day 2014 films I wanted to catch (see earlier review of Labor Day - oh boy it was a stinker - SPOILER ALERT) and I still need to see the new Zac Efron film.

This one Endless Love featuring the Magic Mike star Alex Pettyfer and relative newcomer Gabriella Wilde. It was very average but very average in a slightly trashy good way, take a look at the lusty trailer below:

So why has it such a terrible score on Rotten Tomatoes (currently sitting at around 14% approval rating) and you know what it is not that bad. I mean Joely Richardson is FAB and does Aussie Rhys Wakefield ever age? He still looks like he is 9. So it is hard to believe when he wants to marry a woman.

Anyway look I saw this in a smaller cinema with a big crowd and the crowd, laughed and made me feel like maybe these moments are a little funny but not laugh out loud moments.

So is it worth your $10? (no one needs to pay more than this - if you have a Telstra or Optus mobile account google $10 films) well actually yes, I can honestly say I enjoyed my 2 hours at the cinema with a nice hot skim latte.

I am going to rank this higher than I would at the end of the year when all the quality films make me a harder scorer. So here we go, Endless Love rates a truly teen loving 3 Stars.

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