Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Film Freak 2014 - Wolf Creek 2

The Australian film industry has been a little slow lately and with this film taking the top spot on last week's top ten grossing films there may be more to come. Maybe Wolf Creek 3?

Now I do own the first one on DVD and it really was a first for Australia, a truly terrifying film that made you think twice about travelling to the outback. This second one actually felt a little lazy and a little dull in parts.

Yes it was scary but gore was again replacing suspense and basically there was nothing really new here, so if you think something groundbreaking is going to jump out at you, think again.

I did score up for the last film I reviewed (Endless Love) but this one I am being harsh on as I saw potential and I was so disappointed with the Australian film industry last year. There was so little to choose from and this year I am really hoping for more.

For a number 1 film a 7:10pm session really was not a session of choice for a lot of folk, in the large cinema I saw it in I would say there was no more than 30 people.

Look Ryan Corr gives a good performance and mate let's be honest it's so good you moved on from Packed to the Rafters, you are better than that. I wish Mick Taylor actually could have attacked the Rafters years ago, fuck that show was dull.

John Jarrett again is creepy as fuck but it's not new creepy it's a carbon copy of the original and with a bigger budget and more effects it's just kind of OK.

Ok star rating, it is a bit dull in parts but mostly their is edge of the seat stuff and a girl in the back corner of my session was reduced to tears and her boyfriend looked most embarrassed. So Wolf Creek 2 it's no Wolf of Wall Street, 2.5 pass stars.

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