Saturday, February 8, 2014

Film Freak 2014 - Labor Day

- Released at some festivals in 2013, but in the USA & here 2014

So this film has copped a bad rap prior to it's release and it sort of deserves it. The plot is terrible and Kate Winslet and Josh Brolin look kind of creepy together. I mean in the spirit of Valentines Day on Friday you have to give it a bit of a go but really it's sort of average and again the trailer sucked me in and totally tricked me.

Ok if your not as dense as me this might stick out like a sore thumb as a dud but not me. Oh boy, it was a hot day and you know a nice chill out leave the brain at the door and watch Dawson (aka James Van der WHO) try to be a cop with child. Random. One word, random.

So Labor Day with a lead into Valentine's Day a little scary opening weekend there was only 15 people (including me in the cinema) in the session I saw.

I think the future is a little bleak for this film and unless you have seen Her, Philomena, August Osage County, Dallas Buyers Club (preview screenings this weekend) or 12 Years a Salve.

So to the rating, 2 public holiday (when the fuck is the next one???) Stars.

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