Wednesday, December 17, 2014

How good is Homeland Season 4?

I felt almost a little ill watching this back with the events in Sydney this week however I couldn't resist as this season has seen the show get it's shit together and come back to life.

Unlike what happened in Sydney this week Homeland is (thank god) mostly fiction, however this season's return to form has not only seen viewers who dropped off last season or the ended of season 2 but long time fans rejoicing that a great series has seen the light and returned to it's once great story lines.

Here is a look at what is shaping up to be a massive finale next week:

In these troubling times sometimes watching Hollywood dramas can just take your mind away for an hour or so.

My heart was heavy yesterday for everyone involved at the Lindt Cafe and I was so touched by all the flowers and tributes in Martin Place. Sydney is one hell of a strong city, we will rise up and continue to be the best city for living. No matter whether you black or white, gay or straight, young or old, Muslim or Buddhist or born here or immigrated here, we are all Sydney siders and we are all amazing positive people. People power works.

Sorry to get all soapbox mid week but it's been a week from here and fucking hell Christmas is almost here and people all seem to already be up to pussys bow.

Be safe all, have a great day and be nice to people, say hello to a stranger or do something to help another human being, that is how shit like Homeland does';nt go down.

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