Saturday, May 6, 2017

MAY DAY (TV Month): Veep {Season 6}

I shouldn't have set the bar so low with Love Child as a first entry into TV May Month. I was hard on a local production and I generally support brilliance in Australian arts and culture but Love Child is a show which has lived on way, way, way past it's used by date.

Now onto the other end of the spectrum, VEEP. Making news AGAIN in this country Veep continues to deliver outstanding laughs, crude humour and who needs Donald Trump when the world had a very comical Selina Meyers in charge of the US of A.

I think Ivanka and Tiffany would struggle to understand just why this HBO show is so gosh damn brilliant! HBO has given this show this show life since April 22, 2012. Ever since we have been laughing along with Selina Meyer and her team of misfits.

Poor Gary he can't put a single foot right again, Amy is well Amy, Sue is MIA and Dan is a TV star, what?

Veep is one of those outstanding shows which really gives it to it's inspiration, US politics. If the 2016 election showed us anything, it's a shit show over there. The analysis of Donald Trump's 100 Days, him meeting the NRA on 99th day, his continued rallies, his golf days, his meeting with Malcolm Turnball with Greg Norman and Gina G (I mean Gina R), Rupert and Grant "fresh from rehab" Hackett all in attendance.

Now Grant Hackett cleared had mental health and substance abuse issues before, now he is at a Trump meeting? WTF? I'm sorry has the world completely turned on it's head?

Back to Veep, season six has started with a bang, I am praying for a season seven pick up, but I think with other options in 2017 if HBO doesn't Netflix, Amazon or Hulu would be stupid not to jump on it.

There is so much life still left in Veep, not only with Selina but the rest of the gang too.

I can't recommend this show highly enough, it's easily the funniest half an hour show on TV, well until June 18, 2017.

Veep it's excellent, terrific, the best, outstanding, superb, super, sensational and every other positive description of a US scripted comedy.

What on Earth will I tackle tomorrow? Some season finales are incoming and also Sense8 season 2 is set to stream on Netflix.

Further Reading - Veep and an Australian MP - OH GEEZ!

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