Sunday, October 27, 2019

Cinema Slut #2019 - Joker (Take Two)

Racing towards $800 million at the box office, Joker is breaking all sorts of records. One personal record for me is the only film I have seen twice in 2019. First review here from early October.

I gave it four stars back in early October, however I enjoyed this more the second time. Joaquin Phoenix is totally in the running for all sorts of awards, he kills it as Joker.

I am actually going to mark this film up to 4.5 Stars this time around, why you ask?

1. It totally makes for a do-over for comic book films.
2. It makes a villain's back story so much more interesting than just another Batman bad guy.
3. The Batman tie in's are done so well and not in an obvious manner.
4. Is there a chance we can have a dark Catwoman (the character needs a major remix after the Halle Berry film)?

Joker is still playing, completely slaying what competition is currently out at the box office, honestly right now it is simply the best film playing. Check it out now, it's a total big screen must see!

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