Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Succession | Season 2 Finale

HBO's biggest Summer drama has now closed it's doors for the second season. Succession's season two finale was explosive, addictive and full of four letter words.

Checkout the trailer for the entire season (streaming now on Foxtel) and a an article about the season HERE

Spoiler alert - here is a short summary of that season finale....

HBO has a long history of quality drama, Succession is top notch and just the latest in a long list of seriously good TV.

Sarah Snook as another Aussie, so proud of you not to mention Keiran Culkin as Roman, you are 100% delicious, the language, the sexual comments, the vile take downs, YASS!

Succession season three will be back, most likely next Australian winter, US summer and I for one can not wait!

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