Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Carriageworks - The Table of Knowledge

Runs until the 24th of March.

Local councils, sex scandals, dodgy developers, all in Wollongong who would have thought? I knew nothing of this true story and tangled web that all occured on Sydney's door step the GONG!

Enjoyable and different way to run a show, including large lego pieces and videos.

The Table of Knowledge was a good work by these actors and for a Tuesday night performance the venue was rather full, which on a Tuesday night this is always a good thing for theatre.

Carriageworks was also a perfect venue for this as I feel this venue is under used and totally needs to get itself out there a little more.

The Table of Knowledge is definately worth seeing before it closes this weekend, so be quiet y'all, 3 corrupt and sexy stars.

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