Monday, March 26, 2012

@ the Movies 2012 - John Carter {2D}

So is this movie as bad as everyone says, well no... It's been a blockbuster flop and made nowhere near as much as it should have for Disney but hey, the dreamy Taylor Kitsch is in at and as below he is so easy to watch:

The action scenes in this film are awesome, however it is too long and it plays out a tad confusing in parts and we all know action films should just be straight to the point and not getting all Inception on our arse!

John Carter, based largely on Mars takes a while to set up the story but once it gets in it's all good.

The length and the storyline are a little off putting however Taylor Kitsch is great in this role and a real natural in front of the camera. His efforts in Friday Night Lights were good however I see him as a contender for more upcoming action/fantasy roles.

John Carter, don't belive the negative reviews, take it for what it is 2 hours of mind numbing fun, where you leave your brain at the door.

John Carter rates 3 spunky stars.

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