Wednesday, March 14, 2012

@ the Movies 2012 {DOUBLE FEATURE} - Contraband & Project X

Two different movies, same day and both movies go above and beyond in different ways....

First up Contraband, so Mark Wahlberg is just splendid as always, he stars in this and is in the production team. Mark Wahlberg has continued to go up and up, he is a star and gone from modelling undies to know making sure fire blockbusters!

Other than Mark Wahlberg the stars in this movie make this remake very likable, it's a movie with a formula we have all seen before but if this is done well and when this type of movie is done well it leaves you on the edge of your seat and wanting more. The plot twists are decent and the cast play this out well and the action scenes are top notch.

Contraband is a top notch action thriller which can hold your attention for it's almost 2 hour running time.

Contrband scores a big 4 stars from me

Next up in the double feature is the controversial Project X.

Why is this controversial? Copycat parties have already occurred and you can just imagine this is every teenagers wet dream, naked chicks, weed, E, beer and sex!

Why did I love this movie, I am nor a teenager nor a straight male wanting to see pussy and tits, but this movie and it's naughty language such as "I just want to get my dick wet" in some way appeals to me.

The three main stars are so likable for various reasons and this film really is a simple concept but it is so easy to watch, laugh out loud and cringe all at once.

I do love awkward moments at the cinema and this provides millions of them.

This is a much better version than the average Chronicle from last month.

A sequel is already on the cards so get ready to be taken out for a laugh all over again in coming years, I have already thought of some sequel titles, Project XX, Project XL, Project XXX (with pussy included, not just tits) and Project HY. We will see in a couple of months if I am correct.

Now for my review, 4 stars.

More film reviews coming soon, plus some Bali photos which have been promised.

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