Sunday, July 14, 2013

What's On @ the Movies 2013 - The Heat

What can I say about this Sandra Bullock/Melissa McCarthy film other than my excitement about it's release has been on my radar since March this year.

So let's check out the trailer one last time before we experience my review:

So it's totally one of those Melissa McCarthy type movies with her being the crazy one and Sandra's character being the uptight cop. But guess what? Unlike Pacific Rim and it's Transformers rip off this works.

The Heat is not as laugh out loud as Bridesmaids but it's much funnier than your average Hollywood comedy.

In a summary of the plot it's your usual style comedy with a little conflict, laughs and more amazing support actors than you can poke a stick at.

The Heat is one of the best movies I have seen recently (yes it's been a really average Winter of films) and I would totally recommend you seeing this over any of the other slightly lame school holidays films which are currently screening.

Sandra Bullock really needs to be in these style of film cause let's face it see has done some rather average stuff in the past. Melissa McCarthy is Melissa McCarthy all over the film and let's be honest that's why we love her!

In summary it's a good light hearted bit of fun, 3.75 Stars with a little bit of wee (from excitement) in the mix too.

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