Friday, July 26, 2013

What's On @ the Movies 2013 - This is the End

This is the End is the new Seth Rogan/Evan Goldberg film with a whole stack of famous people in it and boy it is nasty and wrong but oh so much fun.

I really ended up loving this film and if you have seen it, the ending is just so amazing! Take a look below:

Rihanna is gold in this film and poor little Michael Cera! Oh so wrong but oh so right. In a world when everything has to be so politically correct it makes me smile when this gets through the censors and at the mainstream cinemas. It's completely not everyone's cup of tea but I really got into it.

Yes the boys have some growing up to do and all the dick and ass talk makes you wonder if James Franco or Seth Rogan have ever gone down to gay town.

In the end this film made me smile, made me laugh and made me realise that who needs to take life so seriously just have fun.

Anyway this weekend I hope to end up at the movies a few times so watch this space for more AWESOME film reviews, right?

Okay so This is The End rates 3.75 Stars....

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