Sunday, November 16, 2014

Film Freak 2014 - The Drop

Critically acclaimed and James Gandolfini's (The Soprano's) final film. Yes the Drop had me at times on the edge of my seat and the second film where the hero/lead had a cute little dog.

Opening this week to a reasonable number of screenings the Drop is the latest in a crime/gritty drama based in a shitty part of the USA.

Tom Hardy was wonderful and left his Bane (The Dark Knight Rises) role at the door. However at times his lines are a little hard to hear as he develops a Brooklyn mumble.

There is a major plot twist that I don't want to go into or it basically ruins the entire film, but this film whilst slow to start really kick starts itself around the halfway mark.

If on this (sort of) cold and wet day you find yourself with a spare two hours, this film is a cut above other crime/dramas around at present.

The Drop it's not perfect but I had a good time and the little puppy in this (unlike John Wick) is a great feature throughout the entire film, 3 Stars.

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