Sunday, November 30, 2014

Rupert... Is a really nice guy?

NOT, if you have picked up the Australian, the Daily Telegraph or read one of his vile Right Wing employees take shot at anyone who isn't married with two kids, christian, lives in the suburbs and generally struggles to understand change and progress and mainly hates inner city folk who are educated past year 6.

It's fair to say Rupert Murdoch is one of the most powerful men in Australia (and parts of the world) with his media empire an absolute nightmare if you don't agree with him on major issues.

I read a fairly good piece on the play which explains more about it here and you can grab tickets here (discounted) or here full price. I know which one Rupert would choose :)

I know I bang on about press and media in the country a lot. But have you seen how many pieces opinion writers at the Telegraph have written on the ABC recently? As if Budget cuts weren't bad enough, they continue to bash them while they are down. All because the ABC publishes news (and of a lot higher quality) online for FREE. Well to be honest not for free as a tax payer I am happy to get good, balanced (yes it's more balanced than Fox News) news for free and also I am happy to keep the Chaser on TV.

So that said I am not a fan of Rupert or News Limited.

But if you like being told how to think and what to think about Climate Change maybe Rupert is a cool (climate change bad reference - shit I'm tired) dude.

So all in all great to see the divine Jane Turner live on stage, James Cromwell (a fucking legend of TV screen - American Horror Story and Six Feet Under were my personal favourites.) and my mate Scott Sheridan and the dreamy Bert LaBonte. Not to mention a fantastic young Rupert Guy Edmonds.

This is a great bit of fun with lot's of colourful swear words and a nice bit of history. Well it's not nice but history.

Rupert - see it today....

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