Monday, August 31, 2015
Returning to the Cinema tomorrow, Australia All Over 2015 Commences
Finally I will return to the cinema tomorrow (all things going to plan) and after visiting the nations capital on the weekend and next week heading to Brisbane for a large chunk of the week and weekend.
I am looking forward to bring you a selection of happy snaps from Brisbane however I unfortunately have nothing from Canberra. Not that I didn't enjoy my time in the random Nations Capital.
Hope y'all enjoyed EP week and this week it's time to feature another super awesome Aussie feature record, the debut from Jarryd James.
Saturday, August 29, 2015
EP Feature Week About to Wrap Up
It's been another great week of music including a heap of killer new releases but this week has all been about the EP, today it's Golden Features turn for their XXIV EP.
Thursday it was all about local EP Japanese Wallpaper and yesterday it was the audio visual EP from FKA Twigs. Tomorrow will see one last EP from a couple of international kids.
So live from Canberra it's time to have a look at some of this week's key releases too:
Friday, August 28, 2015
#I'mNotDavidNorMargaret, Film Reviews My Way 2015
RICKI AND THE FLASH is one of those feel good movies that has an ending so fun and one that makes you smile ear to ear that you neglect some of the not so good nor polished middle bits in the film.
I know feel good endings (including a catchy tune and a dance routine) can hide a lot of flaws in movies and this movie is a long way from perfect but the ageing rocker played by Meryl hides little of the flaws until that very ending.
It has it's moments (unfortunately a lot are featured in the above trailer) and Meryl is key in this film, but overall it is just a bit of light fluff.
If you need some escapism this weekend and you are a fan of Meryl this is for you, I wish I saw this with my Mum as I think it's aimed squarely at the 55+ group. Meryl and her Flash mob rate 3 fun, light and easy Stars.
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Two TOTALLY Awesome Shows that debuted this US Summer/Aussie Winter
I missed the entire week to week run of UnREAL but I am super pleased to be smashing through the ten episode series one in one big binge session as this show is completely blowing my mind.
However don't take my mind for it, check this out!
Don't get me wrong the Bachelor is one of the worst shows on Free to Air TV in Australia right now, but this is so good and enjoys showing the dark side of this match making BULLSHIT.
Next was a sure fire hit, Fear the Walking Dead has broken drama debut records and did not disappoint, the first episode was full of suspense and has great potential, I was left wanting more.
If you are a fan of the Walking Dead, well you are gonna love this prequel series. Such a good first episode it's no doubt AMC are rubbing their hands together overjoyed that a second series of this popular new series will debut in 2016. The Walking Dead Season Six will directly follow this brilliant new series after a short but sweet 6 episode blood bath.
I can hardly wait for the new American Winter/Aussie Summer shows to air as I will bring you loads of reviews and views on these new (and returning shows) soon.
Tomorrow it's back to the movies x
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
EP Feature Week Continues..
Kucka on Monday, Birds of Tokyo yesterday and today we feature Dillon Francis "This Mixtape is Free".
Dillion Francis has teamed up with some of the biggest names in dance for this EP including Calvin Harris, Skrillex & Chromeo to name a few. Dillon Francis rose to fame with the Get Low track with DJ Snake and has been on the climb ever since.
It's EP Feature Week and I am having a blast sharing 7 of this years best EP's with y'all.
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
#I'mNotDavidNorMargaret, Film Reviews My Way 2015
After seeing the Fault in Our Stars, comes another Teen Cancer Coming of Age film, ME & EARL & THE DYING GIRL. Released at Sundance in January and in the US in June I saw a preview screening here in Australia prior to it's release early next month.
I have little to no respect for films held back from release in Australia after being screened in the US for months, it's no wonder piracy is alive and well. Hello worldwide release dates.
It's 2015 and this is still an issue, I'm bored already so onto the film.
Not as obvious a heart string puller as the previous film I mentioned the Fault in Our Stars but still covers a lot of the same ground. Sad but true the last to films have covered similar ground. Southpaw was similar to the Fighter and any other boxing film and this even could be compared a little to My Sisters Keeper.
This said Earl aka Ronald Cyler II is brilliant! And Molly Shannon isn't half bad either, however Ronald steals the show BIG time. So impressed by this guy and apparently he is coming to a HBO screen near you soon. Can't wait to see more of this kid, his comic timing is beyond brilliant.
That said I found bits of this film irritating and drawn out. Don't get me wrong I usually get totally moist for an awkward coming of age film however this was was average at best however had real heart so I will give it 3 Stars. It was above average with heart but lacked originality.
Monday, August 24, 2015
EP Feature Week, Starts NOW!
Another Feature Week has commenced over at Flashing Off the Record, check it, it's EP Feature Week, you know those Mini Albums which don't have enough songs for a full album? I believe and so does Diplo that the full album is dying out, EP's and singles are the future.
So let's kick it off with an outing to Perth to the singer of the moment, not just on her own tracks but on some super features, it's KUCKA and her EP UNCONDITIONAL.
Here are some key Kucka tracks:
The bottom two tracks can be found on the Unconditional EP which is out NOW! Big love to you Kucka on this Wet Winter Monday, until tomorrow, it's EP Feature Week...
Saturday, August 22, 2015
#I'mNotDavidNorMargaret, Film Reviews My Way 2015
Receiving hit and miss reviews what will this hit and miss film lover say about SOUTHPAW?
With a soundtrack produced by Eminem and a fairly strong cast on paper Southpaw should be getting great reviews, and with solid box office takings this film is far from a flop, however there is no new ground covered here. Unless you look closely (and I) at Jake Gyllenhaal's abs. Man is he ripped or what in this film.
There is one scene straight out of a Men's Health DVD where Jake and opponent Miguel Gomez do these mad ab routines which left me after a long cold Winter feeling rather out of shape.
That all aside the soundtrack, produced and probably costing a butt load of coin was hardly used, I thought it would be like one monster Music Video, that never happened. The Weeknd's great old hit "Wicked Games" was heard weakly under a rather tame sex scene and the lead single "Phenomenal" is used briefly.
Don't get me wrong I enjoyed this tale of redemption however it was slightly over long, Rachel McAdams made a good return to a decent project after the dreadful True Detective.
Look there are a lot of great films out this week, and this is worth seeing but maybe just a bit after you check out the awesome Australian tale Last Cab to Darwin or Trainwreck.
Southpaw it's good just not great, 2.5 Passing Ab Stars, Jake you are ripped dog!
Friday, August 21, 2015
One out of One so far..
This round I put my tips in (below) and I am one from one (making it 8 games in a row correct) with St George beating Penrith last night in Wollongong 19-12.
After about tipping and betting which I generally dislike, however I do enjoy having a little tip and guess about NRL winners. How funny a gay bloke picking eight winners on the trot of a mostly (and I say mostly) straight game.
Now onto Movies, how new releases this week, WHAT! It's a flurry of new films after some rather dull weeks and following that horrid period, School Holidays.
So DOPE looks original and great and on the back of good reviews I am totally keen on seeing this. HITMAN 47 is being rebooted with that babe from Homeland (also returning soon, yes the big gun TV shows are just around the corner) whilst SOUTHPAW has finally landed after months of promotion and a big Eminem starring soundtrack. Finally VACATION brings the stupid and brings the comedy this weekend. Man O Man what will I see first.
So excited for these new films, more excited for the Fear The Walking Dead (the new part of the Walking Dead franchise) which starts this Sunday (US) or Monday (Aussie Time) and I just cannot wait. Like the Walking Dead's first season this will feature 6 episodes. This show will run for six short weeks before leading into the Walking Dead's bumper Sixth Season.
September is lining up to be MASSIVE (well at least channel 7 hopes so with their woeful new lineup - although the Peter Allen mini series looks fun) with new and old US shows returning/commencing and filling our viewing hours:
* Dates correct as of posting date
Mon 21 September:
GOTHAM Season 2, commences
Tue 22 September:
SCREAM QUEENS Season 1, double episode premiere
Tue 6 October:
CW mega night, THE FLASH & iZOMBIE return for their respective series 2 premieres
Wed 7 October:
Ryan Murphy is BUSY, AMERICAN HORROR STORY returns with Lady Gaga in tow for Season Five's double episode premiere.
Sun 11 October:
THE WALKING DEAD returns for series six as above
Oh dear, there goes my bubble butt, it's time for the big guns to return to our screens and prove, it's still the golden era of television despite reality bullshit like the Bachelor, the Hotplate or X Factor.
TGIF, have a good 2nd last Winter Weekend y'all x
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
7 out of 7 ain't bad, this weeks Footy Tips..
Last week I picked all 7 winners, I neglected to pick the Bunnies game as they are literally impossible to tell if they will win, lose, draw or even show up. So let's try all eight games for Round 24:
TIP in Caps:
ST GEORGE v Penrith
South Sydney v CANTERBURY
CRONULLA v West Tigers
New Zealand Warriors v NORTH QUEENSLAND
GOLD COAST v Canberra
MANLY v Parramatta
MELBOURNE v Newcastle
There you have it, have a go, and remember bet responsibility. Not sure if this will be a regular thing here but for now, until next time, laters...
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
#I'mNotDavidNorMargaret, Film Reviews My Way 2015
After disastrous results at the box office (and most reviews - via friends or in print) with Ruben Guthrie it's time to see if LAST CAB TO DARWIN can turn things around for Australian cinema.
Debuting at number 4 and taking in roughly 2 million Australian Dollars thus far Last Cab to Darwin appears to be better on the money side of things and then when you look at the glowing reviews, well it's definitely in a better place than recent Australian releases.
With Holding the Man still to come, it's been an interesting time in Australian Cinema. I for one enjoyed Ruben Guthrie and I am sure to like Holding the Man too (as both plays were wonderful) and well Last Cab. I loved it.
Little talked about town Broken Hill and Darwin were centre stage to this latest Australian Story and what a story. Told by the male and female legends of Australian screen, Mr Michael Caton who has done everything from Packed to the Rafters to Priscilla the Queen of the Desert live on Stage, in a musical!
Jacki Weaver is at the top of her game after the brilliant Animal Kingdom and now she stars as a wonderful Doctor in this great little Australian gem. Nice to also see newcomers and delightful stars like Mark Coles Smith and Ningali Lawford-Wolf.
This film covers so much, life/death, love/loss and true friendship. It shows off this beautiful brown land and is easily one of my favourite films of the year. It's touching and sweet and raw and rough all at once.
It was a pleasure to sit through this film and see the relationships and characters change over the duration of the film.
A top notch little Aussie effort well done Jeremy Sims and team behind the scenes, 4 sun soaked Darwin Stars, beautiful, just beautiful.
Monday, August 17, 2015
#I'mNotDavidNorMargaret, Film Reviews My Way 2015
Critically panned, performing fairly poorly at the box office (for a Marvel title) is FANTASTIC FOUR as bad as everyone is saying?
Looks like Marvel's dream run at the box office (and to a degree with the critics) is over. Fantastic Four has been panned universally and people are a bit over speeding their hard earned cash on these superhero franchises.
Unfortunately for after 4 successful Marvel films in 2014, 2015 is turning out to be a bit more trying. 2016 will see another 5 superhero Marvel films hit the screens including the more Adult natured Deadpool.
After only seeing Ant-Man last month and enjoying it, it was a bit of an ask for a second superhero film in as many months, also the action films of 2015 have been a fairly high standard.
It's not all bad news for the rebooting of the Fantastic Four story, a sequel is already in the works and Michael B Jordan is very handsome.
Unfortunately there has been a lot better films in 2015 so I will have to rate this accordingly 2 not so Superhero Stars.
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Little Weekend Pleasures
Oh how I love the weekend, it's a time to do the things you just don't get time to do when there are 40 hours of work to be had in the way.
Like visit families, EAT, watch a film, EAT + drink more coffee, catch up on the latest US Dramas, EAT, try to tell myself I am getting back into Spring Fitness and then EAT some more.
Yes this Winter has been hard, hard most on my mental being and the biggest judge I face daily, myself. I cannot remember a Winter that I was so unmotivated, so housebound and so not ready to exercise. I know when you look at the Men's Health magazines in Coles, you think oh well that looks easy. Let me tell you ladies, after hitting the big 3-0 a stomach like a Men's Health Mag is near impossible.
In between working 40 hours, eating on the run, trying to have a social life and if your a drinker well... Getting those washboard abs is a mother fucking massive mountain to climb.
This Summer/Spring I am aiming to get myself super fit, starting with that dreaded month of Sugar Free September. Followed by exercise through my boot camp and running, trying to get on top of a regular routine. It's not easy but. However I will not make Winter style excuses. Admitting aside from it being cold, at peak times I have had three family members in hospital and a partner enjoying the Euro Summer while I froze like a mother fucker.
Excuses aside. That stops tomorrow. An early Spring kick start, I fucking need it and by Summer those fucking Mens Health covers that haunt me, well I'm gonna make y'all make my bitch. PS while I'm talking about making "things" my bitch, how is my tipping from a past post? 4 from 4, today I tip the two Sportsbet favourites Manly & Canterbury.
Rant over off to the movies so hopefully I'll catch up on those posts, Fantastic Four, The Man from U.N.C.L.E (hopefully) and Last Cab to Darwin (Hopefully) all coming soon to this BLOG near you, whether you read me on the train, at home, at work, on the thunder box, whilst at a bus stop or just when your bored as fuck. Happy Sunday and treasure your weekend bitches, you've worked it all week long..
Friday, August 14, 2015
Rabbitohs & Channel 9 The Real Winners Last Night
My number one Rugby League team the most consistently inconstant team EVER had a win last night as did the broadcaster Channel 9. When live sport and news are the only winning combos left for free to air TV Channel 9 has pulled a swifty and for the next few Thursdays it's News, ACA & Thursday Night Football together.
After troubling reality times keeping your reality shit to three Weeknights and Sunday for your franchises and keeping Thursday plus Friday for sports and Saturday for filler means you have variety. This is where Channel 7 fell down.
The Rabbitohs as part of this post are so frustrating and anytime Sportsbet places them as the favourite it always ends in tears for the Redfern locals. Thank god last night against one of the other premier favourites the Cowboys they fell on the sword of being the betting favourites.
You watch the favourites this weekend and see how many come out on top. As it stands here are the favourites in CAPS.
BRISBANE v St George (my tip, the favourites BRISBANE)
TIGERS v Knights (my tip, the non favourite the Knights)
PANTHERS v Warriors (as much as I love the Warriors, this one is the favourites to the PANTHERS to win)
ROOSTERS v Eels (the favourites ROOSTERS will easily and should easily will this)
MANLY v Canberra (MANLY will continue their solid run home)
BULLDOGS v Titans (This could be close, but I think the BULLDOGS and favourites again will win)
SHARKS v Storm (Sharks are small favourites but I can't go past one of the most handsome teams in the League, Storm to win, but only just)
Thursday, August 13, 2015
The Real Ratings Winner This Week
Cats Make You Laugh Loud - 917,000 Australians found time to watch shitty cat YouTube videos that were on TV for a one night only event. Next week we are treated to Dogs Make You Laugh Loud courtesy of the failure of Restaurant Revolution.
What will be the next ratings flop? I unfortunately would be nervous at Channel 7 for what they are calling a "Bumper" September. The X Factor is coming after months of Delta being a dumb c*&t on the Voice, singing shows in Australia rarely deliver acts who dominate the charts. My next pick is Australia's Got Talent, the show cancelled twice and by two separate networks also could be a potential flop.
Now onto the US and the new dramas are on the way and guess what a few more Pilot's join Supergirl in airing months ahead of schedule. I took a sneak peak at Lucifer and the trailer looks a little shit but it's actually not bad. Minority Report and Blindspot also leaked months/weeks ahead originally planned air dates.
TV analysist's are already looking at the most popular downloads and will no doubt plan renewals/cancellations/scheduling based on illegal downloads. How time has changed.
As it's been a busy time in the USA for renewals of Summer series my personal favourites Mistresses and Devious Maids are still yet to have their fates decided upon.
Devious Maids has been mostly over the top but completely delicious this season with many dreamy men getting their kits off. Please Lifetime can we get a Fourth season?
So Cats Making Australians Laugh has been a big news item this week and also making us laugh are some of the knobs in Canberra, oh pretty please can we have an early election, it's time to go Mr Abbott, Mr Brandis, Mr Pyne, My Hockey, Mr Morrirson, Mr Dutton and even you Ms Bishop (and old Bron Voyage Bronnie Bishop too).
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Kicking Channel 7 Whilst it's Down
Yes like Channel 10 a few months ago Channel 7 has now found itself in the shit corner, Media Watch did an awesome segment you can watch HERE basically outlining issues I have already written about on this very BLOG. Hope I get credited on the next Media Watch.
So Channel 7 where is it going so wrong? Is it keeping Home & Away on it's flagship station? Is it poor reality titles? Is it lack of sport currently scheduled? Because News, Sport and Reality are the FINAL frontiers of Free to Air TV, you can't download live sport, you generally seek out News at night and we all have a guilty pleasure. My reality guilty pleasure is Poh & Co on SBS.
A great little show and I was pleased to learn yesterday there will be a second series of this feel good, part reno, part cooking and part life in the suburbs of Adelaide story of Poh and well her Co.
The world is changing and developing fast (just ask Donald Trump and all the renewed interest in his brand) so it is time for media in this country to move with the times. For example I was impressed with the uptake of smart phones Triple J breakfast (both weekdays and weekends) has dropped it's lengthly weather wrap up for around the nation. As we all can check on our phones as we wake what today will bring there is no need for this to be read out to us on the half hour. Making way for more content and less information at (virtually) everyones fingertips.
So small changes like this, the innovation of iView and GOOD streaming services is the way of the future. It's a fast moving world media with curnalism the new journalism with articles spit out/recycled from other sources, renamed and republished it's 2015. So Channel 7 if you don't want to be the latest victim in kicking a dead dog while his down, adapt, change and reform, cause right now your a bit on the nose.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
#I'mNotDavidNorMargaret, Film Reviews My Way 2015
Everything happens in threes and I recently saw Jurassic World twice, MI-5 Rogue Nation twice and now the latest and one of the funniest comedies of recent times Trainwreck.
I gave this the unthinkable five star review in my original review, during one of the longest periods of preview screenings, girls night out screenings, advance weekend (including Fridays and Mondays) screenings and basically any staff or employer screening.
I then watched her stand up show on YouTube.
God I laughed, it made me feel like I saw where and how this film was developed, created if you will.
Trainwreck is a great film and in the rather small audience yesterday there were still men and women (of all ages) laughing out loud and really that is the main goal of a big screen comedy. No one I know has had a bad word to say about this wonderful and fresh take on relationships and dealing with families.
I got a bit more teary on the family stuff this time around because to quote Amy I have had a cunt of a time with family stuff lately leaving me feeling like shit for 6 weeks. This film however is a five star film, Randall Park is easily one of the most handsome men in comedy and the soundtrack to this film also struck me as well done and well thought out.
A pure delight to see this gem of a film, next I want to see Last Cab to Darwin and Fantastic Four, let's face it I have to hurry to see the Last Cab to Darwin as Aussie films have a very short life span these days :(
Anyway for those who skip to the end for my star rating, 5 Stars (AGAIN!)
Monday, August 10, 2015
Channel 7 Serves up a US Drama months after it aired
And not just months after it aired in the US, months after it aired on Presto (here) which according to Ray Morgan research 100,000 Australian homes have subscribed to. Point being after piracy and being one of the first trophy shows for Presto watch ratings for US drama Aquarius stall. And I'm not talking DOA (dead on arrival) Dancing with the Stars stall, I'm talking Restaurant Revolution stall, 4 episodes a week to a mere one two hour instalment.
This show has been doomed from the start NBC in the US aired all episodes on their streaming service (much like ABC iView did with Glitch) and then welcomed poor weekly ratings. I am bewildered as to why NBC has given the green light for a second season as the recent episode scored 1.45 million viewers in the US. The US has a population of over 300 million, 1 out of every 300 million people watched this show, shit!
Looking forward to seeing how this drama will fair on Channel 7 as in the past shows which have aired a while ago in the USA have failed miserably in Australia. Adding to this the free trial on Presto you have LEGAL access to here, this could be a massive bomb.
Channel 7 is in a risky position, Restaurant Revolution failed hardcore, their costly MKR V Hot Plate court case, Dancing with the Stars is majorly on the nose, The X Factor coming in right after the Voice (yikes - singing overkill!) and ladies in the newsroom dropping like flies.
I called for more Drama on TV but in a timely fashion, all I can say is thank god for SBS who will air this new series The Principle later this year.
Friday, August 7, 2015
Its time to talk REAL TV
So I have reviewed a shit load of films lately, crapped on about the dreadful state of Australian TV and the overload of reality rubbish on at present so now it's time to talk drama. However the news isn't all good on the drama front either.
First with the bad. Hannibal in it's final season and it's no surprise no streaming services are willing to give this show a fourth season. The second season was wonderful, the first season set up the characters and what we were in for but this Third Season my oh my. Basically it's two seasons in one and neither of these mini seasons are particularly good. Which is a shame as the cast is stellar.
Gillian Anderson joining Hugh Dancy, Lawrence Fishburne and Mads Mikkelsen this could have been great, news story - it's not. Season Three is a sad end in this once great and fantastic looking series.
Now to True Detective (you can see this coming if you have followed the online rants) no series has been more anticipated, however Season Two is a failure on an epic level. Even with Vince Vaughn, Colin Farrell, Rachel McAdams & Taylor Kitsch (yum) this show is woeful and lacks any direction or coherence. It's hard to follow up a massive smash hit and unfortunately Season Two of True Detective could be one of this years biggest failures.
Under the Dome, surprise, surprise has completely given the critics and the non believers evidence that this show should have been a limited one season event. Season Three is over the top and lacks any direction or possible conclusion in sight. This has become the new Lost with people thinking what in the world were the folks at CBS thinking renewing this series again...
Now to the good and Ray Donovan (like Hannibal originally) has completely come into it's own. I love Ray and his wife and his kids are not 100% irritating. Jon Voight is great as the father who is neither 100% good or 100% evil. It's also refreshing seeing Katie Holmes in a meaty role in this successful Third Season.
Devious Maids and Mistresses (both in their third seasons) also show that trash (and well made trash with lots of hunks) also has a place still on TV. I would give anything for these shows on 7:30-8:30pm in place of shitty reality TV with try hard "Characters".
Murder in the First is slightly disappointing in it's Second Season after a solid first however Taye Diggs is just simply divine.
Scream the MTV TV version of the once successful film series is also a bit of fun, but it is to be taken completely with a grain of salt. I was surprised to learn this quickly and easily got a Second Season. Not sure where it will go in 2016.
Other than this I look forward to the return on The Leftovers and I have just started on DVD Masters of Sex Season One which I am really digging, thank god for Showtime!
So it's the weekend and mid Winter so go lose yourself with some solid drama, or not so solid if you feel like Mistresses or Devious Maids.
Thursday, August 6, 2015
I hate it when I am Right
So on July 30 I predicted the wave of new cooking shows would be a massive failure, I didn't know this would be immediate, with Restaurant Revolution going from four episodes a week to two to finally one. Shocking.
Now the biggest drama is the court case between Channel 9 & Channel 7 in relation to the copy cat nature of The Hotplate and MKR. The ONLY winner here (like the Bill Shorten commission) is you guessed it the lawyers for the respective channels. Why in fucks name would anyway start playing Cat videos in place of a new reality franchise and then think, oh let's waste some more cash, oh let's start a legal battle that will get us some PR.
Just out of control, PEOPLE AT CHANNEL 7 & CHANNEL 9 LISTEN UP, who in the fuck does your programming? It is TERRIBLE. Decent B Grade and even quality dramas are on at around 11pm on Channel 7, but Cat Videos from YouTube, oh that's prime time or Big Bang Theory re-runs, oh yeah that's primetime.
Australian networks, next month is September, September in the USA marks the return of their killer drama line up, if you weren't hurting now with ad revenues and pathetic ratings, next month you're gone. If it wasn't for pensioners and stay at home types commercial TV would be dead and buried. The final frontier of sporting events is the last win you have SO USE IT. Drama PEOPLE love it, look at the Walking Dead's Facebook, look at what trends on Twitter and try avoiding a Game of Thrones spoiler.
Reality TV, it's now officially done, come on Australian networks it's time to wake up and to quote the Herd - this country needs a fucking shake up, wake up!
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
#I'mNotDavidNorMargaret, Film Reviews My Way 2015
MI-5 take two, after seeing this Friday and giving it 3.5 Stars, did my opinion of the film improve, decline or remain the same? Let's see some more footage from the 5th instalment of the Mission Impossible franchise.
So it's Rogue, there is a bunch of people (you will know and soon know better) running around in this film, attempting the impossible and Tom Cruise does some damn impressive stunts.
Now some would ask why did I see the same film twice in four days? Well it's all about the free passes, one was from the film distributors and the second and invite from my lovely bank. Lovely bank? Yes Isla Fischer is right to be a brand ambassador for the Orange bank ING Direct. They are amazing. First up no fees, no charges and no annoying overseas call centres. They are the future of banking (and no this is not a paid post).
So back to the film, look, it's good, it's nothing new, but still I enjoyed the hell out of it even the second time around, so I am standing by my 3.5 Star rating on this latest action blockbuster. Speaking of which Marvel is at it again, will I see Fantastic Four's reboot this weekend? Time will tell. Until then BYE
Monday, August 3, 2015
#I'mNotDavidNorMargaret, Film Reviews My Way 2015
PAPER TOWNS, what a film!
I had waited a while to see this one and at first after seeing the trailer I put it on my "when I have seen everything else list" and well I have seen seen everything else but I was so pleasantly surprised.
That's the trailer I am talking about. Think Juno, think Fault in Our Stars and think every coming of age film but this one is done right and well.
Using music to engage the audience and a cameo from the hunk from said film Fault of in Our Stars (it got a massive ooohhhhhhh from the audience I sat in with, cute right) the younger members of the audience ate this film up.
I loved the use of Haim and the Vance Joy in this star studded soundtrack with new music from Santigold (which is her first in years) I was in heaven. Music plus a good film usually equals me liking and rating a film higher than usual.
And actually speaking of my marking after reading back my old Mission Impossible review I used to mark extremely highly didn't I.
Well today I am going back to the old days and marking high as I really enjoyed this film and got very caught up in the movie. Paper Towns is easily one of the best coming of age/high school films I have seen in years, 4.5 Stars, great.
Sunday, August 2, 2015
#I'mNotDavidNorMargaret, Film Reviews My Way 2015
A large amount of people and reviewers have shown a positive light on MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE ROGUE NATION, how will I fall on this film?
Well Tom Cruise you are looking amazing, action wise this is a extremely well done film. I cannot flaw any action scenes or the plot (at times however requires a little too much concentration) is not too shabby for an action film.
I can see a 6th film on the way as the film is long but does come to a complete abrupt ending.
I think since Ghost Protocol which I reviewed all the way back in Early 2012 and gave a monster 4.75, gower I am not going that high this time.
I am going to give this Rogue film in the franchise a healthy 3.5 stars, great action and Jeremy Renner is also a very handsome 40 something year old so good on you.
Next up hopefully Paper Towns and I am also off to another screening of Mission Impossible on Monday so you may get another take on this film mid next week.
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