Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Kicking Channel 7 Whilst it's Down

Yes like Channel 10 a few months ago Channel 7 has now found itself in the shit corner, Media Watch did an awesome segment you can watch HERE basically outlining issues I have already written about on this very BLOG. Hope I get credited on the next Media Watch.

So Channel 7 where is it going so wrong? Is it keeping Home & Away on it's flagship station? Is it poor reality titles? Is it lack of sport currently scheduled? Because News, Sport and Reality are the FINAL frontiers of Free to Air TV, you can't download live sport, you generally seek out News at night and we all have a guilty pleasure. My reality guilty pleasure is Poh & Co on SBS.

A great little show and I was pleased to learn yesterday there will be a second series of this feel good, part reno, part cooking and part life in the suburbs of Adelaide story of Poh and well her Co.

The world is changing and developing fast (just ask Donald Trump and all the renewed interest in his brand) so it is time for media in this country to move with the times. For example I was impressed with the uptake of smart phones Triple J breakfast (both weekdays and weekends) has dropped it's lengthly weather wrap up for around the nation. As we all can check on our phones as we wake what today will bring there is no need for this to be read out to us on the half hour. Making way for more content and less information at (virtually) everyones fingertips.

So small changes like this, the innovation of iView and GOOD streaming services is the way of the future. It's a fast moving world media with curnalism the new journalism with articles spit out/recycled from other sources, renamed and republished it's 2015. So Channel 7 if you don't want to be the latest victim in kicking a dead dog while his down, adapt, change and reform, cause right now your a bit on the nose.

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