Saturday, May 11, 2019

Cinema Slut #2019 - Poms

Who has time for movies in 2019? Baby Boomers, bring on the latest movie aimed at cashed up folks with time on their hands, I present to you Poms.

No, not English oldies like the god awful Swimming with Men, Poms is about cheerleading within a retirement village. Yes you heard right, within a southern American over 55 community, Diane Keaton and Jacki Weaver get their pom poms on.

Diane Keaton as Martha is really unlikeable for a large chunk of the movie, however with time you begin to slowly like her. Jacki Weaver is the most likeable and rogue (all at once) member of the cheer troupe and supporting roles like Phyllis Somerville (The Big C) and Alisha Boe (13 Reasons Why) add something to the film as well.

It is very predictable in parts, slightly irritating as well and at times the jokes fall flat AF.

Poms is the latest in my tour of feel good films of late (see Top End Wedding and Long Shot reviews) so unfortunately this film does have stiff competition. It is sadly the most non feel good film of all three however the ending is fun.

It gets better as the film goes on, however like Swimming with Men, it makes you really never want to get old. It's kind of like, this is the shit your in for in your later years. Also it's America and Keaton was a school teacher in a previous life, how does she live in a fancy AF over 55 folk village? Slight detail.

Those slight details keep coming up.

OK, it's not all bad but it's not great either, I'll pass it at 2.5 Stars.

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