Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Killing Eve | Season 2 Finale

Blockbuster series Game of Thrones and Veep are over forever now, so it's time to discover the next big cult sensation. Killing Eve last year had a good go at some of the awards, it got the critics on side and fans enjoyed the cat and mouse of Sandra Oh and Jodie Comer.

Now in it's second season the lesbian/lusty random desire of Eve's (Oh) for killer Villanelle (Comer) has gone into overdrive.

Lives are on the line at the end of the season and you are left wondering, how did this eight episode BBC America series come and go so fast!

Don't get me wrong an eight/ten episode show is 100% perfect these days. I am currently watching The Society on Netflix and with ten episodes this is 100% doable over the quieter US TV months.

So there is an insanely good full recap HERE of the finale however my thoughts on the finale and season two -

a. It went hella fast, the pace was swift and the way seasons one and two flowed was genius.

b. What about Hugo?

c. What about Eve? It's like a role reversal of last season, Villanelle stabbed in a room, now Eve shot lying on the ground? What's Killing Eve less Eve, Killing?

d. When will season three be here? As per these two seasons, my guess is early April 2020. Wow 2020 that sounds weird!

e. ABC iView is killing it (no pun intended) with it's roster of local and international shows.

f. The finale really was a good episode after a few dud ones, so at least the last memory was rather sweet.

So overall I want more, in a crowded market of current finales this was fairly decent. Tomorrow my review of the scandalous Dynasty finale.

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