Monday, June 10, 2013

Queens Birthday Long Weekend STYLE YO!

So does anyone else out there think three day weekends need to be the norm, it just gives you that extra day to chill, to have that run, to wash the dog, to change the sheets basically just to get the shit done that doesn't happen during a five day working week.

And me not being on Facebook and being someone who feels they work their entire time whilst in the office I truly think a four day week would suit me fine. I think in my past positions I could name multiple people who work for an hour and then Facebook squat for another two hours.

Is there really any productivity in Facebook and posting random shit that 90% of people (including your friends will see and be like "What a fucking retard") I am not correct? I know I am not on there but when I am with friends who can't be five minutes without checking in or posting, OMG I just shit myself, they will rely what someone else has said and been like "Lame, why would you post that" when five minutes later they are posting something similar.

I have never understood Twitter and peoples own self importance, buy y'all listen up, no one really cares unless you are Queen Elizabeth what pub you are at, what movie cinema you are at, unless you allow stalkers, ex's, debt collectors or the police know where you at. And don't forget a HR check is to look at your Facebook and if you like many others post photos you wish you hadn't, that dream job might just be that, a dream.

So when I go to work tomorrow and smash through my work whilst others are Facebooking it's time to look at life/work, would you be better at four days and no Facebook at work or five days, low productivity and a short weekend.

I know what I would be choosing. Work/Life in 2013 is so important with emails, mobiles and the Internet everywhere for you to log in. So I think we should stand up as a group and so bagging out the government but go back to basics, have time to ourselves to chill, get off the internet and to just live a little.

I had this discussion yesterday to two younger folks and I had to think back and when I did I thought, how much easier, more simple was life back in the 90's. Or life before iPhones, or when the Internet was all dial up and musicians didn't have to worry about their albums leaking all over the place.

2013 - take back your personal time and worry not what others think of you and where you choose to spend your time but just live a little, cause at the end of the day it's only what you do and think matters.

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