Sunday, March 16, 2014


So true, even if you have 1,000,000 Twitter followers, 1,000 friends on Facebook, could you call any of these people and share an issue with them? Have a coffee on Glebe Point Road with them? If not maybe you should stop worrying about social media and how many likes you have or how many people comment on "I just took a shit that looks like animal", I am happy with my 0 Friends on Facebook and 0 followers on Twitter (mainly as I don't have either of them), I am happy for my real friends, my family and people I know through my working life.

People be happy with what you have and not what you don't or what doesn't matter. This is a great video and Krissy I hear you sister, social media is out of control and people friends are people you can see and talk through problems with, share your success, not like your dull posts on your first world problems.

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