Wednesday, September 3, 2014

From Alan Jones to Hawaii

Yes mid October all things going to plan I should be in Hawaii, potentially San Francisco & Portland in October. So excited. Yes that is next month. So I will take a break on complaining about the shock jocks in Sydney, the poor way Australia is being handled and move on out to America for a brief break. And also a wardrobe update cause basically who can afford Australian prices.

Sorry Aussie retailers, you have been fucking us five ways for years with mark ups so I choose to shop overseas.

So I will start a holiday countdown shortly and I am not sure what my topic will be but I should possibly leave Music to my other BLOG Flashing off the Record. Which this week I have a week long feature on our Album of the Week, Vance Joy's debut record.

The record is out online and in store on Friday.

A big thanks to the lovely Dylan and Hilary too for Boot Camp, so nice to be back and be sugar (ish) free.

Chat tomorrow, OK?

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