Sunday, March 15, 2015

#I'mNotDavidNorMargaret, Film Reviews My Way 2015

I am not a celebrity and DO NOT want to be nor do I have social media or care what others think. I wear tracksuit pants most places for fucks sake! So TOP FIVE actually spoke to me in a weird way..

Can I just say first Rosario Dawson is fierce and rocks that Skrillex haircut like no ones business!

I am not a huge fan of Chris Rock but this film was simply excellent. I hear you Chris being harassed to be a former you (we all grow and change, so being asked to be the me I was when I was 14, I would say fuck you) and always referred to as Hammy. Loved every minute of this film, the Jay Z/Kanye drops of "Niggas in Paris" and did I say Rosario Dawson is banging?

I laughed out loud, had fun and found myself thinking why this is not showing at my cinemas. To be honest I was cranky as this was only on at certain cinemas and not others, is this an art house film? Nope.

Top Five, actually could be one of my top five films, I enjoyed this enough to strong recommend it to folks who like comedy or folks who just like "celebrity" in 2015.

Top Five rates 3.5 Stars...

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