Thursday, December 24, 2020

November/December TV Finales - The House of Ho

From the highs of The Mandalorian to The House of Ho... Well, well, well, STAN has scored its second HBO Max title. First being Love Life with Anna Kendrick earlier this year. Or was it last year? Oh fuck knows 2020 has been a beast!


The Ho's have three kids (well they are all adults now) oldest daughter Judy, daughter in law husband to Washington and finally outcast Raegan. However after a quick Insta search, Raegan does host some family photos, so maybe the outcast storyline is a little bit of a stretch.

Washington and Lesley show you (the viewer) perfectly that money does not buy happiness (or in Washington's dress sense, style) or a happy marriage.

Binh and Hue (the parents) are shown to be as dirt-poor refugees in 1975 who decided to go from war torn Vietnam to the USA. 

Whilst Aunt Tina lights up the screen every time she enters stage right. She drinks, gives random advice and seemingly does not give a rats.

Aunt Tina, who is an independent stylist and one of Binh’s younger sisters, and Cousin Sammy (who is not Aunt Tina’s daughter), mostly serve as commentators to the drama with Judy and Lesley.

The House of Ho does not hit the same heights as Crazy Rich Asians. While it is fun to see a family seemingly have fun (with a little drama rich people problems) drink, shop and play. The Judy, Nate story is cute however the show seems completed after its seventh episode with commentary on each of the Ho family members.

If you are bored over the festive season and crave some family drama (if you are free of your own family drama) give this a go on STAN. Seven times thirty odd minute episodes. Easy!

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