Monday, May 18, 2015

#I'mNotDavidNorMargaret, Film Reviews My Way 2015

I barely watched all of UNFRIENDED as I was terrified, yes I held my scarf up to my eyes and hide, like an eight year old.

Yes I know Blair Witch Project, Paranormal Activity we have seen this all before and we all know how much I fucking hate social media. Well I knew little about Facebook and Skype but I now know enough to know I am glad to be on neither, I also know I am happily someone who has been bullied enough not to treat someone like the characters in this film treat the now deceased victim.

In a time of social media, 24 hour news cycles and almost everything and I mean EVERYTHING ending up on YouTube this movie comes at a good time to hopefully:

1. Deter bullies
2. Teach young folks how to use social media
3. Show that trolling people is mean and evil
4. Keep kids of their fucking PC's (or Mac's in this films case) 24/7

And that brings me to, if someone is trolling you via Skype why don;t you just leave the house and hightail it to the nearest cop shop?

Anyway for what I watched of this film, no characters were super likeable, it's a new style of thriller using technology, but along with the films that came before it's nothing super new.

I enjoyed what I saw and if it's aim was to scare you it got me creeped out, 3 ban social media stars to the young and impressionable children of the future.

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