Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Verdict - Revenge Finale

Oh god Emily/Amanda whatever the fuck we should call her and Jack sail off into the Sunset, what? SPOILER ALERT. The Revenge series final played it's final hand. After 4 or so years Emily and Victoria have finally settled their scores, after numerous Grayson deaths, numerous "good" guy deaths, Courtney Love playing "White Gold" a deadly assassin and people returning from the dead (more than once - David Clarke and most recently Victoria) it's time to say goodbye.

This once great show is now in TV heaven along with Glee, Desperate Housewives, Lost and various other long running (and mostly staying way past their welcome) shows we once loved and waited till the various nights to sit up, have some chips and bitch away Googlebox style.

However Revenge ran out of puff seasons ago, you stopped caring about the main characters and a lot of the new characters were just serve irritations that stuck around for too long or were killed off without much explanation about why they were ever cast.

Jack grew hotter and through the seasons, it just shows some men grow into their looks. So maybe there is hope for me yet.




However Emily/Amanda grew more and more irritating per season, Nolan was just a frustrated gay man/bi man/married man, what was he in the end? And don't get me started on the forgotten Grayson's Charlotte and Patrick (Victoria's bastard son and one of Nolan's male love interests).

There were so many random characters (a bit like Game of Thrones at moments) and so many loose ends, however the finale did in a way (if not open the door for a Nolan spin off) tie up and round off most story lines.

I could hardly ever watch another episode of Revenge unless Jack and his partner Ben got it on (LOL), bit hard though as Courtney Love made nice work of poor Ben.

So it's goodbye Revenge and hello June with a load of returning series:

Devious Maids
Under the Dome

And I am sure some good new ones are on the way. I can hardly wait for Scream Queens however I believe that is September. MTV speaking of Scream is also developing a TV series based on the hit film franchise so look out for that. Also returning is the ever sexy Hit The Floor. So Revenger plenty more trash on the way.

That's it for today, catch you kids again real soon xOxO

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