Wednesday, January 20, 2016

That Movie Gay #2016

I hate Westerns, however THE HATEFUL EIGHT is near perfect and a great return to the cinema.

It's hot again in Sydney and the blockbusters (around the awards season) just keep on coming. Australia is getting most of these films now despite some coming out overseas earlier (much earlier in some cases).

In this Tarantino's 8th film (Kill Bill Part I & II is considered one I believe) he goes all out and I was lucky enough to see the 70MM version, brilliant! Although I can't say much for Event Cinemas George Street service or cleanliness of their cinemas and what is with people wearing no shoes to the movies, in the cinema and then in and out of the bathroom, back into the cinema, fucking gross man. And don't even start me with the white and red bodily fluid stains in cinema 12, it's a fucking nightmare in that cinema.

Fat Cats at Event Cinemas go to George Street and see what a hell fucking hole it is.

End of rant, back to the film, and The Hateful Eight is brilliant, long and a fun ride. The violence is as intense as it is predictable, Jennifer Jason Leigh (fab in Weeds and even a saving grace and the dying days of Revenge) is a scene stealer, she is pure brilliance in this film. Samuel L Jackson is outstanding and so random seeing Channing Tatum pop up (literally) mid way through the film.

Kurt Russell also an excellent choice. I enjoyed the 70MM experience, the scenery when it was allowed on the screen and the wee brake interval.

Yes a film with an interval.

Up for three Academy Awards, winner of one Golden Globe, this is a brilliant film all round, the hype machine has been insane for this film and rightfully so it's all it's made out to be, unlike Carol (sorry to kick the boot it, but that was a super average film).

Looking forward to also seeing Room this week and hope this good cinema feeling continues, The Hateful Eight deserves every inch of it's R rating and really is overly violent but also so well made.

This totally could have made my end of year list although it came out in the US late 2015 (to make the cut for the Award season) so maybe next Taratino film? Anyway star rating time, this deserves every inch of it's 4.5 bloody, western and brilliant Stars. Outstanding, loved every 187 minutes of it (The Roadshow version, general release 167 minutes).

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