Sunday, April 3, 2016

That Movie Gay #2016

A film in based in Italy, with some Italian, a wee wee bit of French and English = A BIGGER SPLASH.

The film starts with a random nude scene between the two left characters, Tilda Swinton and Matthias Schoenarts. Both are fairly unconvincing in a relationship and deeply flawed.

Ralph Fiennes spends a great deal of the film fully naked and Dakota Fanning again gets her kit off after the success of 50 Shades of her being naked.

The film is a bit slow to start with but after seeing a few blockbusters in the past few weeks and having an absence from the cinema this was quite nice. It reminded me of the Brad and Angelina film By the Sea a lot. Not just cause it was foreigners behaving badly in Europe, but the whole tone of the film.

The wealthy Americans with too much time and money on their hands and the excessive world of the rich and famous.

A Bigger Splash is nothing new nor as beautiful as By the Sea, but still overall an enjoyable piece. A little long so it will lose marks there, 3 "show us ya wang Matthias" Stars.

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