Friday, July 20, 2012

I'm a middle east gay mofo!

Yeah I've landed in Dubai and I'm livin it up Dubai style well actually burj al Arab style yes I'm staying at the six star hotel and on the 30th floor the view of this over the top hotel is a masterpiece you could only believe if you were sitting next to me in my skinny jeans. So this is the last stop and last flight is tomorrow so expect a major large update when I get back with stories, photos and knowledge from a far, yes me gay and the middle east, what a trip, from the lady boys of Bangkok to the cold Edinburgh summer to the exotic Spanish summer of love to this the last point of my turning the 3-0. It's been a wild road and the most amazing experience. I could write. Better book than the secret after this or maybe even better than Twilight! Stay tuned for more from the middle east, all I can say right now is omg!

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