Saturday, July 14, 2012

@ the movies 2012 - The Amazing Spiderman (4D)

No I'm not in some random time zone I actually saw the amazing Spiderman (the latest in the Spiderman reboot campaign) in stunning 4D! I never thought 4D would be so wicked, so it's 3D plus moving seats, spraying air (a touch of dampness, yes ladies cinemas need posse too!) and some other weird shit goin on. Is Australia ready for 4D, YES! It's great for non thinking action film blockbusters like these babies! Spiderman was so enjoyable in this format I had a way better time with it a. Because I saw it in Bangkok and b. cause the fricken seats moved okay and c. The film at the start of the Thai king was dope as. So yeah the experience was at least five glossy a little wet and shaken plus stirred stars and the film well Emma Stone is iconic ant the new Spiderman/Peter Parker is also very watchable in Garfield. The Amazing Spiderman it's nothing too new but it's damn fun 4 Stars.

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