Thursday, July 19, 2012

Tapas for Breakfast, Tapas for Dinner & Pasta for Lunch WTF???

So the food and the sexy people in Spain never ceases to amaze and after yesterday with getting my tourist on with the almighty tourist bus it was time to sight see the lovely city of Barcelona and surrounds.  Then some light (actually HEAVY) shopping, with a haircut where I was pointing, signing anything to get through this awkward Spanglish conversation good grief, I´m thirty and fucking old.

So yeah the food is spectacular, the shopping is awesome and the people you can just watch for hours, the service on the other hand in restaurants etc ranges from non existent to average but you don´t mind as everything seems cheap and fast.  God love our Aussie dollar whilst abroad and hate it when paying $4.50 for a gay cappuccino @ Broadway International Shopping Destination.  Yes that´s Broadway Shops for the locals out there in Cyber Space.

So I have begun exercises all the chocolate croissants and breakfast dessert chocolate donuts off, good grief, I´m going to be thirty and a monster by the time I´m home, SOS Broadway Gym. #HELPMEBROADWAYSPINCLASS

So enough silly stuff I need to get ready to pack my bags and have some light breakfast and go to Dubai.  Can you hardly wait???

Also a sad note to all the gays Madonna has confirmed she will NOT be coming down under so sorry to SAID & all the other boys out there, but hey let´s face it, her new album smells like off cheese and from the set list it´s a bit half baked.  Poor old Madonna I think she needs to get back to basics and ASAP, Gaga etc have all overtaken her now.

See you all soon and look forward to seeing all your bright little faces upon my returns.

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