Friday, August 10, 2012

@ the Movies 2012 - the all Singing, all Dancing edition

Step Up 4: Miami Heat

So after 4 movies is the Step Up franchise ready to hang up it’s dancing shoes? HELL NO! I loved every sequence all the bad acting and the hot bodies gyrating around for under 2 hours and enough to make me want to take up dance lessons and make protest art.

Yes protest art and protest dance what a great new genre! LOVE it! Imagine an Azealia Banks tune going sick and doing some dope as dancing in protest of the Carbon Tax, Gay Marriage, The Circle Being Cancelled or even Why on earth did Rachel Leahcar feel the urge to release an album of serious nonsense.

Okay so the film, paper thin plot, hot dancing, big soundtrack, great remixes and some amazing sequences which really did blow my mind. They went for no major stars this year and that worked well, and you really did enjoy the great cast that was selected, mainly for their looks I’m thinkin’.

So is it great or is it one for the DVD machine, well I saw the 2D version as I am not a huge 3D fan, but the sequences, shots of Miami and the sexy bodies need to be seen on the big screen. I highly recommend this if you can check your brain @ the door and just sit back and enjoy this amazing dance fest!

Step Up 4, still as fresh as ever and definitely the best dance franchise around, I’m going go high this time 4 stars for movie number 4.

The Sapphires

Wow what a film, it's got it all, singing (go the Mauboy), dancing and a great story @ the heart of this film (created from a terrific play) and when I say heart it's got loads of heart.

This can be compared to Bran Nue Dae which was an all star Australian musical on the big screen but this is bigger than that, it's epic it takes on issues of racism, war (set in the Vietnam war) and love and loss.

The issues are there but really this could be the feel good/comedy of 2012.  So great to see an Australian movie shine and really be a general public film, everyone is going to love this the Australian Idol/X Factor/ the Voice fans for Mauboy, the Australians who love a good actor/actress in Mailman and O'Dowd and the Australians who like to laugh (and not only @ 12 year humour but good old fashioned comedy).

This movie had me smiling from ear to ear it was just divine.  A really fun, great looking and sounding film.  Mauboys vocals were exceptional, the soundtrack will be a must own once you come out of the film humming "I heard it through the Grapevine".

All I can say is this is just delicious.  4.75 All Australian stars, well done team!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how mush is it at kmart