Tuesday, August 21, 2012

@ the Movies 2012 - The Campaign

I have never liked Will Ferrell (yeah I know a lot of you out there love him, but blow me, this is my blog) and Zach Galifianakis like most of the acts on Everybody Dance Now is a bit of a one trick pony, so this is going to surprise you.

I really enjoyed this comedy, yes I was overdue to see a film (it's been well over a week since I caught up with the fab Sapphires) and I do love well done comedies and this movie falls into that category.  Zach Galifianakis is great with his beautiful pugs and the two wives are marvelous.

The whole star studded (Dylan McDermott, John Lithgow, Dan Aykroyd & John Goodman) are amazing, the movie really flows and really if your under 90 minutes your a good film maker.  You also have a neat editor cause 86 minute films are too rare in 2012.  Why go on and on for 240 minutes about nothing, why not make a 86 minute laugh a thon.  Well that was being generous, I hate to harp on but it's no Bridesmaids.

So The Campaign is a fun night @ the pictures and really a notch above the other Hollywood comedies lately.

The Campaign rates a smutty 3.5 laugh out loud stars.

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