Tuesday, August 28, 2012

@ the Movies 2012 - The Expendables 2 {PREVIEW}

The Expendables 2 is the number One movie in America, oh boy!  This movie has some amazing lines "Rest in Pieces", "We all belong in a Museum", they poke fun at their age and their past movies, "Who's next Rambo?".  It's big it's violent and it's funny seeing these aging action stars try their hands @ the 2012 action market.

A third movie is already being planned and why not this is killing it (literally) in the States.

I saw the first movie in Thailand and this movie as a early preview before it opens this Thursday.  Can I recommend this film?  For action buffs it's great, big action sequences (all well filmed), a huge range of BIG stars, great stunts but the dialogue as above is juts horrid, it's best when there is no talk and more action.

Aussie Liam Hemsworth joins the mega huge cast including and not limited to (wait for it) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Chuck Norris, Sylvester Stallone & Jason Statham.  So it's a big cast and Hemsworth is really doing extremely well for himself.  So I thought I would go retro and get some pictures of these men back in their prime:

Jean-Claude Van Damme

   Sylvester Stallone

So there you go, RETRO for yo Tuesday.

A big thanks also to a certain Marcus "Queen of the Night" for the tickets, very enjoyable film with a laughing audience.

So my rating, it's kinda so bad it's good, 3 stars for the retro stars.

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