Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Oh Tony, Tony, Tony

Is Tony Abbott Julia G's biggest asset, he got served recently on 7:30 and then Channel 9's (usually lazy journalism) struck again.

GOLD, now watch little Lisa W go after learning her ABC from Leigh Sales

In other news the ground breaking series "Go Back to Where You Came From" returned for series two last night. God I love this show, you want to cry, I wanted to punch Angry Anderson and Peter Reith, you want this whole boat people rubbish to be cleared up.

I always knew Angry Anderson was a has been bogan pub rocker who hasn't had a hit for decades but I never knew he was a complete c%$t.  I am assuming his chance at getting gigs and work after this show will be restricted to the Shire and maybe Rooty Hill RSL.

You can catch more Go Back to Where You Came From tonight on SBS.  On the other end of the Australian TV scale was "I Will Survive".  Oh boy, it's getting bad, the ratings in week one where horrid, now week two I think the sliding will continue and we may have "Everybody Dance Now 2" on our hands.

Channel Ten just really can't catch a trick right now, thank god for Puberty Blues as it's the only performer out of all their "new" shows.

Coming soon to the BLOG more hate for Angry Anderson (maybe, maybe not), Judith Lucy live from Chatswood, the 20 coolest songs of Winter (yes Winter ends this weekend!) & this week's BIGGEST songs for the 2nd  day of Spring.

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