Wednesday, May 13, 2020

April/May Finales - 9-1-1 (Season 3)

Fortunately for 9-1-1 the show was well and truly filmed before the COVID-19 shutdown. 9-1-1 is now taking an extended break and will return sometime in 2021. Fox has announced a very reduced remainder of 2020 programming.

Now episode 17 of this series seemed way more like a finale with much more action and drama. Unfortunately by the rolling credits we were left with no cliffhangers or outstanding drama. The main drama was a couple expecting a baby and a minor character asking another character if they could have a chat?

Oh boy.

This season of 9-1-1 has aimed high, they have now had a major train crash, a tsunami double episode and guest stars like Brooke Shields (returning in season four), Ronda Rousey and OG cast member Connie Britton.

The episode was not all bad, however a show that delivers so many cliffhangers and so much drama. I was a little let down. All in all though, season three has stepped up the game. The ratings have been solid, the spin off show 9-1-1 Lone Star was also a hit and the cast are all settling into their respective roles nicely.

I am looking forward to the 2021 fourth season of 9-1-1. A little later than normal is fine for me. Time to catch up on some series I have been putting off.

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