Thursday, May 21, 2020

April/May Finales - Supergirl (Season 5)

Melissa Benoist stars as Kara/Supergirl is IRL pregnant! Yes Supergirl is up the duff with her second husband Chris Wood.

Supergirl will also be held till Midseason or Summer 2021 USA, so maybe June/July or late May at the earliest.

All The CW shows are hopefully looking to return in January 2021, so Supergirl is amongst one of the shows that will return last.

The season finale like Batwoman (yesterday) was not intended to be the season finale. However it was more action packed than a number of other episodes this season.

Supergirl has really suffered a ratings drop this year. This season has seen very few episodes above the magic million mark. Excluding the season opener and of course the hyped up Crisis on Infinite Earths.

With DVR viewers bumping up ratings to closer to 1.5 million viewers but still Supergirl lags behind fellow Arrowverse series The Flash although slightly up on newer series Black Lightning.

Lex Luthor returns this series whilst the Lena Luthor/Kara or Supergirl tension builds throughout the series.

A number of key players have left, Mehcad Brooks as James Olsen / Guardian is gone whilst Jeremy Jordan as Winslow "Winn" Schott Jr. / Toyman came back for a quick guest spot before going again. Since the show started we have not only lost these two, but for me the most interesting character Calista Flockhart as Cat Grant.

Unfortunately with out Calista Flockhart as Cat Grant the sharp, funny one liners are gone.

Look this finale (not to mention entire fifth season) was not perfect. I will however say the level of action in this episode was a nice way for the show to leave us, for what could be a very extended break....

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