Wednesday, November 2, 2011

10 days till I go Bonkers in Honkers

Number 10 in things that make me BONKERS:

Alan Joyce - What a C&^%

After nearly ruining the faboulous Qantas, taking a massive pay rise while slashing hundreds of other jobs and giving this great land a bad rep, tourism Australia will definately not being thanking him in months to come.

Now we are into the top 40 I am going to countdown 40 inspirational artists as well to get me up to Hong Kong and a bit of Bangkok.

Number 10 is:

Angus & Julia Stone

Hailing from Newport, NSW, Angus and Julia Stone may onyl be two albums into their career but they are MASSIVE! They are the darlings of Triple J radio, they are everyone's festival favourite and if you haven't heard an Angus and Julia Stone song by now you must have been living in Russia.

Angus & Julia Stone's last album, Down the Way was simple stunning it featured the massive breakthrough hit "Big Jet Plane".

Julia and Angus also did their on solo thing showing the guys just have way too much talent.

Australia loves a chill out song, so here one is for your hump day:

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