Number 9 in things that make me BONKERS:
Movie Trailers and Advertisements at the movies these days, if I check a movie has a running time of 90 minutes, I do not expect to be at the cinema for 2 hours! If I want to see movie trailers I will use the second biggest search egine in the worl YouTube duhhhhhhhhhh
Now we are into the top 40 I am going to countdown 40 inspirational artists as well to get me up to Hong Kong and a bit of Bangkok.
Number 9 is:
Today's artist is the biggest artist of 2011, her trakcs "Rolling in the Deep" and "Someone Like You" have been two of the biggest songs this year. Her album has also been a powerhouse and she has proven the point that second albums do not always have to be difficult.
I like the fact she is not a slut in videos and her songs are so basic yet so powerful, even when stripped back.
Adele's "19" album was also a great debut and hit's like "Chasing Pavement" and "Cold Shoulder" were brillant and deserved more attention, now she has it!
She is one of four albums I have choosen for my album of the year with her breakthrough and record breaking album "21".
Now for the stompin' "Rumour Has it" my personal favourite from the album:
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